-The Hindu They were objecting to ‘forcible' land acquisition for power project At least two dozen farmers were injured when the police resorted to a baton charge in the early hours of Thursday to break up their agitation against land acquisition in front of the Deputy Commissioner's office at Gobindpura of Punjab's Mansa district. The farmers, owing allegiance to 17 organisations, were protesting against what they called forcible acquisition of fertile land across...
Pune rural SP Karnik seeks transfer by Asseem Shaikh
Superintendent of police (Pune rural) Sandeep Karnik, who was in charge of security during the Maval agitation on August 9 in which three farmers died in police firing, has written to director general of police Ajit Parasnis seeking a transfer, according to reliable sources. Karnik sent the letter on Tuesday, the sources said, adding that the officer wants to be moved out as he believes people may misread his continuance...
More »Stirring Paddy by Madhavi Tata
Hard To Ignore... * Farmers of East Godavari and West Godavari districts in Andhra Pradesh have declared a crop holiday this kharif season * No paddy will be sown across 1.5 lakh acres in the two districts * Farmers are demanding better minimum support price and subsidies on inputs * They say the rising cost of inputs causes farmers to lose Rs 10,000-15,000 per acre * If the farmers stick...
More »Science Of The Ages by Namrata Joshi
Garhwali villagers resist new central farming plans, stick by age-old ways attuned to nature Jardhargaon is a sprawling cluster of villages tucked away in the Himalayan folds in Tehri district of Garhwal. A panoramic view of pine- and sal-covered mountains, green and freshly showered, surrounds us, as little streams spout out of boulders at every turn of the winding hill roads and clouds hang like a dark cover overhead. But...
More »Arundhati Roy blasts anti-corruption 'saint' Anna Hazare
-AFP Booker prize-winning author Arundhati Roy launched a scathing attack on Monday on the "aggressive nationalism" behind the anti-corruption drive led by hunger-striking campaigner Anna Hazare. In a column entitled "I'd rather not be Anna" published in The Hindu newspaper, the novelist, essayist and rights activist condemned both the style and substance of Hazare's campaign that has mobilised public opinion in India. In particular she questioned Hazare's use of the hunger strike and...
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