The CBI and Enforcement Directorate investigations have estimated that former telecom minister A Raja could have got bribes to the tune of Rs 3,000 crore, and have put the loss to the exchequer due to selling of spectrum at undervalued rates at Rs 40,000-50,000 crore. The two agencies have linked bribes Raja allegedly got to his order on January 2008 bringing forward the cut-off date for applications for spectrum from the...
Farmers for probe into employment scheme
All block offices in 126 constituencies of the state may be locked from February 14 as the All Assam Shramik Krishak Kalyan Parishad (AASKKP) has set February 13 deadline for the government to inquire into financial anomalies in various MGNREGA schemes in the state. "We seek a CBI investigation into the anomalies in MGNREGA as well as in the Chief Minister's Special Scheme for Farmers. The government had allotted Rs 58...
More »CBI arrests former Telecom Minister A Raja by Vinay Kumar
Former DoT Secretary Behura and Raja's aide Chandolia also taken into custody, to be produced in court today The Central Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday arrested the former Union Communications and Information Technology Minister, A. Raja, and two officers who had worked under him, for their role in the grant of licences and allocation of 2G spectrum during 2008 in violation of established guidelines and procedures. Mr. Raja (47), as well...
More »Companies named by CAG set to face CBI heat by Shalini Singh
After Raja, Behura and Chandolia, the heat's now on the new 2G licencees which have benefited from the telecom scam. Fear stalks the telecom industry that the CBI may now zero in on promoters and senior executives of some companies. The CBI FIR of October 2009 says, "Certain officials of DoT entered into a criminal conspiracy with certain private persons/companies and misused their official position in grant of Unified Access Service...
More »Adarsh scam: Rs. 23 lakh seized
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday seized Rs.23 lakh in cash from the house of P.V. Deshmukh, former Deputy Secretary of the Urban Development Department and an accused in the Adarsh Housing Society scam. The CBI also issued notice to the former Member of Legislative Council, Kanhaiyalal Gidwani, R.C. Thakur and Brig (retd.) M. M. Wanchu — all named in the First Information Report — asking them to be present...
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