-The Hindu Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Monday confirmed to a section of the Opposition that the Union government had decided to put on hold the move to allow foreign equity in the multi-brand retail sector, pending further consultations. The issue has stalled Parliament since November 25. However, it is not immediately clear whether this is enough to break the deadlock. On Monday, Mr. Mukherjee called up BJP leaders L.K. Advani and...
Poor social security, a major concern for workers in Asia-Pacific region by Meena Menon
While Asian economies boomed before the global recession in 2008, the fruits of that progress did not translate into better wages or secure employment conditions for workers in the region. The International Labour Organisation (ILO)'s Asian Decent Work Decade launched in 2006 was aimed at five priority areas of competitiveness, productivity and jobs; labour market governance; youth employment, managing labour migration and local development for poverty reduction. Today workers' unions are...
More »youth in Asia Pacific face serious employment issues by Meena Menon
Mismatch between potential and experience confounds many a job-seeker, say managers Mun Ching Yap had gone as a journalist to an airline company to interview its executive official, but her excitement, passion and ability to learn earned her a job as the head of the company's strategic planning department. Ms. Mun, now a columnist and entrepreneur from Malaysia, was 28 years old then. “In Malaysia, the median age of the population is 27,...
More »FDI in retail: More jobs in store for rural youth by Shruti Choudhury & Amiti Sen
Foreign retailers may have to reserve at least half of their jobs in superstores for rural youth and source more than the mandated 30% from micro and small industries as the government tries to salvage the big ticket but controversial economic reform. An official said the government is likely to have a relook at a proposal that seeks to reserve at least 50% of jobs in foreign-owned superstores for those who...
More »Indifferent At Their Plight
-EPW Will the blatant discrimination against Muslims in the administration of justice ever end? The word secular was inserted into the Preamble of the Indian Constitution by the 42nd amendment in 1976; later on, the Supreme Court, in S R Bommai vs Union of India, held (in 1994) that secularism was an integral part of the basic structure of the Constitution. And yet, it has been a long time coming – Indian...
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