-IndiaToday.in Mid-Day Meal Scheme will be including millets in order to enhance the nutrition among children, said the Minister of State for Education, Annpurna Devi. Mid-day meal will include millets (Coarse grains) soon, said the Minister of State for Education, Annpurna Devi in a written reply to Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. The Central Government requested State Governments/Union Territory Administrations under PM POSHAN Scheme to include millet in the midday meal in order...
Hunger, lack of food security behind India's 'slip' in UN's sustainable development rank
-Counterview.net According to a report released by the United Nations on June 6, 2021, India's ranking of achieving Sustainable Development based on the 17 Social Development Goals (SDGs) set by the 193 countries in the 2003 agenda, which was 115th last year, has slipped to 117th position this year. India ranks not only the lowest among the BRICS countries -- Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa but also...
More »Record Harvest, Record Stocks; Yet, Why Are People Hungry? -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in It is beyond belief and understanding why the government is refusing to distribute the mountain of food grain stocks sitting in its warehouses. India produced a record cereal harvest of nearly 273 million tonnes in 2019-20, a jump of 10 million tonnes over the preceding year. While rice production increased marginally, both wheat and Coarse grains showed notable increases. Besides these, the production of pulses increased by nearly a million tonnes...
More »How the Lockdown Destroyed Children’s Nutrition Programmes -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Meals distributed in anganwadi centres and schools petered out as the Modi government had made no plans for continuing the programmes during the lockdown. The world’s two biggest child nutrition programmes – the ICDS or Integrated Child Development Scheme and the Mid-Day Meal (MDM) programme – run by the Indian government suffered a severe jolt in March and April this year as foodgrain allocated for them was not made available during...
More »Rice-wheat stocks at record high, govt clueless -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Offtake from the Public Distribution System is stagnating although there are millions who need more food. Cereal stocks of wheat, rice and Coarse grains maintained in the so-called central pool hit an all-time high of 742 lakh tonnes in July this year and in August were only slightly lower at 713 lakh tonnes, according to the department of food and public distribution’s monthly bulletin. Compared with 2015, grains stocks have zoomed...
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