Factchecker.in On March 6, 2023, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath claimed that no farmer had died by suicide in the last six years. But, 398 farmers and 731 farm labourers died by suicide between 2017 and 2021 in the state, official data show. “Sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh were forced to burn their crops and attempt suicide but in the last six years, no farmer in Uttar Pradesh has died by...
Eight Farmers Are Ending Their Lives Daily in Maharashtra according to the NCP - The Wire.in
As many as eight farmers are reportedly dying by suicide everyday in Maharashtra. As many as 1,203 farmers took their lives ever since the Eknath Shinde government came to power, the Indian Express reported, quoting NCP leader and Leader of Opposition Ajit Pawar, while he was speaking at Maharashtra’s legislative assembly on March 10. “Farming in Maharashtra is under threat due to unseasonal rain, farm produce is unable to get a...
More »Indian banks gave more home loans than agricultural credit
In each of the last three years – from 2020 through 2022 – Indian banks lent more money to retail customers purchasing homes than they did to farmers. In fiscal year (FY)2021-22 commercial banks gaveRs. 17.54 lakh crore worth of housing loans, while agriculture and allied activities got Rs. 15.16 lakh crore. That is nearly 14 percent less. In FY 2021 and FY 2020 – one of which saw a...
More »Can India’s production incentive scheme transform the economy as the SEZ push did for China? -Siddhant Bajpai
-Scroll.in The Indian government will have to take serious note of the structural problems and bottlenecks to work on improving the production-linked incentive scheme. On December 20, the Indian government approved a Rs 357.17-crore incentive for Foxconn India, under the Production-Linked Incentive scheme for the Large-Scale Electronics Manufacturing sector. According to government think tank Niti Aayog, Foxconn India is the “first global company” approved under the scheme for mobile phones and to receive...
More »What is in store for India’s imports?
There is some respite expected for India in terms of prices of imported commodities. This may ease the depletion of its foreign exchange reserves. The country has faced a widening of its merchandise trade deficit from US$ -17.91 billion to US$ -26.91 billion between October 2021 and October 2022. The commodity price data provided by the World Bank in December 2022 (termed as The Pink Sheet) shows that energy prices plummeted by...
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