Tamil Nadu has been highly successful in implementing the concept of Industrial Facilitation Council, which helps small units address the problem of payment default by their clients and get back their dues, according to G. Sundaramurthi, Industries Commissioner and Director of Industries and Commerce, Speaking to journalists here on Friday, he said that Tamil Nadu's achievements in implementing this concept were recognised nationally. In a recent meeting of Industry Ministers of...
PM admits leakage in funds for development programmes
Admitting "leakages" in funds meant for various development programmes and schemes, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday, said that the government was working to rectify the problems. "There are leakages in programmes and schemes. You cannot deny that. It had been and is the endeavour of the government to rectify these," Singh told reporters here. The Prime Minister was asked about the steps taken by the government to ensure that...
More »The Biggest MNREGA Scam in Rajasthan
It’s probably the biggest scam in Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Scheme (MNREGS) in Rajasthan. Its exposes the ways, this flagship scheme of the UPA govt. at the centre is being plagued by embezzlement, fraud and forgery at the grassroots. The office bearers of Jharni Panchayat under Seemalvada Panchayat Samiti in Dungarpur district made payments of more than 58 lakh rupees without a single work done. And worse, many of those...
More »The Crimson Brief by Raman Kirpal
RAJINDER SACHAR is one of India’s renowned civil rights activists. A former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court, Sachar has done pioneering work in enabling a legal framework to assist hundreds who stand accused by the police across India for waging war against the State, many of them with little or dubious evidence. Though 87 years old, Sachar continues to work tirelessly with one of India’s key rights groups,...
More »Celebrating a revolution at the grassroots by Kaveri Gill
For two decades the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) has taken the Right to Information Act to the grassroots. KAVERI GILL was witness to a mela that celebrated its 20th anniversary at Bhim, Rajasthan. The occasion was no political party rally, nor was there any promise of handouts by the state, dangling a carrot or wielding a stick to elicit attendance On Labour Day, a maidan in Bhim, District Rajsamand,...
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