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No clean slate -Arvind Virmani

-The Indian Express The forthcoming budget is expected by some to be make-or-break or path-breaking, by others, to provide a legislative or economic roadmap for the rest of this government's term. Most likely, it will focus on issues within the purview of the finance ministry, namely, macro management, taxation, expenditure, the financial sector and balance of payments. The abolition of the Planning Commission and the 14th Finance Commission recommendations on tax devolution...

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Why poor people in Delhi are desperate to get their babies uniquely identified -Aarefa Johari and Mayank Jain Delhi government continues to deny food Rations to people without Aadhar cards, even though a Supreme Court order expressly prohibits this On the 15th of every month, thousands of slum residents in Sheikh Sarai in Delhi pour out of their tenements and head to the Ration shops to pick up their share of subsidised grain. But in recent months, many have been coming back home without their full share. This isn't because...

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Doctors take ethics pledge

-The Telegraph New Delhi: After two decades of practising gynaecology, Arun Gadre decided to turn whistleblower and seek out others like him who could articulate what he says are disturbing practices in India's healthcare system that hurt patients. Gadre, while running a private clinic in Lasalgaon in western Maharashtra, had seen women prescribed hysterectomies without justification, women coaxed into opting for Caesarean sections when normal deliveries may have been possible, patients prescribed...

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Highlights of Economic Survey 2014-15

-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Finance Economic Outlook, Prospects and Policy Challenges Macroeconomic fundamentals in 2014-15 have dramatically improved. Highlights are: * Inflation has declined by over 6 percentage points since late 2013. * The current account deficit has declined from a peak of 6.7 percent of GDP (in Q3, 2012-13) to an estimated 1.0 percent in the coming fiscal year. * Foreign portfolio flows have stabilized the rupee, exerting downward pressure on long-term interest...

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Jowar not to be available under PDS: Minister -Firoz Rozindar

-The Hindu Vijayapura (Karnataka): The desire of the people of North Karnataka to have Jowar under Public Distribution System (PDS) is not going to be met this year too owing to acute shortage of Jowar in the market. "In all likelihood, the people of NK will not get their staple diet in their monthly Ration because of the unavailability of adequate quantity of Jowar for procurement", said Dinesh Gundurao, the Minister for...

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