City-based Right to Information activist (RTI) Shailesh Gandhi, in his capacity as a central information commissioner, recently passed a landmark order under the RTI Act. In an order dated October 22, he fined six public information officers (PIOs) of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) Rs25,000 each, the highest penalty amount allowed under the Act. The total fine comes to Rs1.5 lakh, which is the highest penalty levied for a single...
Another rti activist gets death threats by Melvyn Thomas
After the visually-challenged rti activist Ratna Ala, another RTI crusader from Valsad, Ketan Shah has lodged a complaint stating that he has been threatened for his activism by the chief officer of Valsad nagarpalika and senior officers in the district administration. For Shah, major shock came after the nagarpalika passed a resolution — a copy is with TOI — in the general body meeting on October 19 to blacklist him and...
More »109 workers died at DMRC sites by Ambika Pandit
In reply to an RTI query filed by the People's Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) in August, the labour department of Delhi government has said that it does not have consolidated figures on the labour deaths reported during the Commonwealth Games preparations. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) had separately filed an affidavit in the high court in September which said that 109 workers had died on its sites during...
More »Villagers use RTI to take on candidates by Tarannum Manjul
Documents availed through Right to Information (RTI) Act are giving sleepless nights to former pradhans contesting the panchayat elections again. Armed with these papers — mostly related to utilisation of panchayat funds — the villagers are questioning candidates who come seeking votes. The authenticity of the information being guaranteed, the candidates have no chance to argue. In village Hamirpura in Jalaun, a candidate contesting for the the gram pradhan’s seat for the...
More »Arvind Kejriwal, 2006 Ramon Magsaysay award winner and founder of Parivartan interviewed by Pallavi Singh
How would you rate the functioning of the RTI Act five years into its enactment? It has been a mixed experience. It is encouraging that we have one of the best laws in the world but its shoddy implementation is taking the sheen away. The two nerve centers of RTI are simplifying the process of filing an application and making the functioning of the Commission effective. The posts of Information Commissioner...
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