Several matches during the upcoming Asian Cup football tournament, which opens in Doha, Qatar, on Friday, will be dedicated to the fight against hunger and poverty, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced today. The three matches – the opening match between Qatar and Uzbekistan, as well as two subsequent matches played by the host nation – are part of the Asian Football against Hunger campaign. “A Match Day against...
Food inflation soars to 18.32%
Wholesale food inflation saw a sharp increase to 18.32 per cent for the week ended December 25, primarily due to a steep rise in onion prices. The inflation rate is a 23-week high, much above the expectations of analysts and policymakers. Food inflation, as measured by the wholesale price index (WPI), was at 14.44 per cent for the previous week ended December 18 and at 19.9 per cent in the corresponding...
More »India Journal: Why Vedanta Lost and Posco Looks Like a Winner by Rupa Subramanya Dehejia
Two large industrial projects, one poor state, two likely different outcomes — and a long-haired, flamboyant environment minister-turned-crusader starring in both. No, this is not your latest blockbuster but it has the makings of one. As reported Monday, Posco, the South Korean steelmaker, cleared a major regulatory hurdle in its bid for a massive steel project in Orissa. An environment ministry panel gave clearance for an initial steel production capacity of...
More »Tarapur protest before PM visit
The people adversely affected by the Tarapur Atomic Power Station today said they would revive their agitation against the project and meet villagers protesting a nuclear plant at Jaitapur to create awareness about the dark side of the project. The announcement came days before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s scheduled visit to Tarapur to inaugurate a nuclear reprocessing facility. “The government has offered a higher compensation package to the local residents affected by...
More »We need profits, passion in farming by MS Swaminathan
In recent years, the agricultural growth rate has tended to be lower than the population growth rate. This year, the former is nearing the target of 4%. But we still have a very large percentage of undernourished children, women and men. Poverty and destitution also remain stubborn. The Indian food security enigma rises from the mismatch between the grain mountains and the hungry millions. What are the prospects for ensuring...
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