The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Mr K. Rosaiah, has directed the officials to submit a fortnightly report on the progress of schemes and projects aimed at welfare of the tribals and Below Poverty Line (BPL) families living in remote areas. Tackling Extremism At a review meeting on the progress of welfare and development activities in tribal, interior and remote areas in the State with the Minister for Tribal Welfare and Remote and...
Who’s Afraid of Caste Census? by Kancha Ilaiah
Ever since the Centre announced that it would collect data on various castes during the ongoing Census, the media has created a hue and cry saying that this would harm the nation and open a Pandora’s Box of caste conflicts. On the other hand, those who seek caste enumeration are of the view that this would clear the cobwebs and deliver proper data on other backward classes (OBCs) that will...
More »A universe of problems by T Nandakumar
A demand to reintroduce a universal Public Distribution System (PDS) in the country appears every now and then. Its proponents argue that universal access is necessary for ensuring food security, for better control on prices and for eliminating (at least partially) the evils of exclusion errors in the targeted PDS. The question is: what are the operational implications of access for all citizens to subsidised foodgrain? They are currently allocated as...
More »Poverty alleviation: Government to launch plan
The National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) will be implemented in the state soon. This was decided at a highlevel meeting presided over by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik here today. The NRLM aims at addressing poverty and alleviating rural poverty by 2015. The scheme also targets to cover 50 percent of the rural households by self help groups (SHGs) during the next three years. The newly launched central programme will be executed in...
More »Poverty up, poverty down by D Tushar
In April, India’s Planning Commission accepted recommendations put forth by the so-called Tendulkar Committee on a new poverty headcount for the country. Constituted by the Planning Commission under economist Suresh D Tendulkar, the committee, after four years and a new methodology, arrived at a new figure for the number of Indians living below the poverty line: 37.2 percent, ten points higher than the previous official figure. With the government’s subsequent...
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