-The Hindu Hyderabad: A high number of people from the SC or ST communities filing cases under the SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act are forced to flee their homes for fear of pressure from the accused. An indication of the same is the frequent need of revalidating the relief cheques issued in favour of the complainants. This was revealed by Ranga Reddy district Collector A.Vani Prasad at a meeting of...
Foeticide cases: NCRB says registration, Conviction rate low -Amitabh Sinha
-The Indian Express While most incidents of rapes and molestation are never reported because of the social stigma attached to the crime, these, ironically, still form a bulk of the crimes against women that get registered with the police. The reporting of many other crimes, for example foeticide, is abysmally low. The number of cases registered for foeticide in the entire country in 2011 was only 132. In the two preceding years, this...
More »2009-11: 68,000 Rape Cases But Only 16,000 Sentenced
-Outlook Nearly 68,000 rape cases were registered across the country during 2009-11 but only 16,000 rapists were sentenced to prison, presenting a dismal picture of conviction of sexual offenders. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 24,206 rape cases were registered in India in 2011 but only 5,724 people were convicted for the crime. Similarly, in 2010, 22,172 rape cases were registered while the number of convicted persons for the crime was 5,632. A...
More »Report in, action awaited -Brinda Karat
-The Indian Express The deafening silence from official circles on the Verma committee recommendations is in sharp contrast to the widespread well-deserved appreciation that the committee has received. It is common for governments to form such committees to buy time and take the heat off themselves. Perhaps that was the government’s intention when it set up the committee at the height of the protests in the wake of the brutal gangrape...
More »"Marriage is not a valid defence against sexual crimes"
-The Hindu Seeks an exception for the definition of marital rape in the existing laws Backing the long-standing demand of the women’s activists that marital rape be considered as an offence, the Justice J.S. Verma committee has said marriage or any other intimate relationship between a man and a woman is “not a valid” defence against sexual crimes like rape. The three-member panel, which was constituted to recommend amendments to criminal laws in...
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