Food Inflation rose marginally to 16.74 per cent for the week ended May 29 on high prices of pulses, Milk and fruits. Inflation increased by 0.19 percentage point from 16.55 per cent in the previous week, food inflation data released on Thursday showed. Prices of pulses shot up by 31 per cent, Milk by 21.1 per cent and fruits by 18.7 per cent. However, potatoes and onions became cheaper by...
Bhopal panic seeps into Singur Ash from factory with blot on record by Kinsuk Basu and Jayanta Basu
Bhopal cast a pall on Singur today, fed by a cocktail of pollution, panic and politics. A chemical factory, declared a “fit case for closure” by the state pollution control board (PCB) two months ago, spewed carbon soot-laced smoke this dawn. The plant belongs to Himadri Chemicals and Industries, a company with an annual turnover of over Rs 500 crore and said to be the country’s largest manufacturer of coal tar...
More »Will India be the world's fastest growing economy?
The India growth story is enviable. Despite plaguing problems, India has emerged stronger and resilient to the global crisis so far. India is expected to be the world's fastest growing economy by 2018, according to Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the research arm of the Economist magazine. India, the second largest growing economy will overtake China as the fastest growing major economy with an average of eight per cent in the...
More »FAO sees bigger 2010 grain crops, price pressure by Svetlana Kovalyova
World cereals output is expected to rise this year to near-record highs, swelling overall supplies and putting pressure on already weakened prices, the UN’s food agency said on Thursday. The global wheat output is forecast to fall for the third consecutive year, but at 676.5 million tonnes it would still be close to 2008 record levels, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said, raising its earlier forecast for 2010. Overall cereals output...
More »Tribals get pattas and old age pension
PALANI: Tribals, living in Kattrazhaikaradu on declivity of lower Palni Hill of Balasamudram Town Panchayat, received benefits ranging from community certificate to land pattas and school admission to old age pension on Monday, thanks to quick action taken by the district administration. From now on, tribals and their wards need not toil in private farms as they have become land owners. Their children, once child labourers, can go to school. The...
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