Speculative traders are making super-profits by fixing prices in the onion trade while the government is playing around with ad hoc fixes. On Tuesday alone, wholesale traders in Delhi bought onions at about Rs 34 per kg while it was sold in retail at Rs 80 per kg. That's a margin of Rs 46 per kg or 135%! About 11,445 quintals of onion were bought in the Delhi wholesale markets on...
Consumer protection a neglected area: Activists
Experts and consumer activists have asked the Centre and the States to implement more effectively the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (COPRA) which they hailed as a strong and powerful legislation. The group, participating in a round-table of GRANIRCA (Grassroots Reachout and Networking in Rajasthan through Consumer Action) here, lamented that consumer protection remained a neglected area for the governments which failed to create the basic infrastructure for...
More »Lion poaching continues in Gir: foresters bust gang of 25 by Jumana Shah
In the first reported incident of its kind since the lion poaching incidents of May 2007, a gang of suspected poachers comprising about 25 tribals from Karnataka, was busted in Kodinar, Gir (west), late on Monday night. The tribals were caught with five bags full of different lion body parts, Rs60,000 in cash and some sharp weapons. No carcass of lion has been discovered yet, but foresters believe these tribals to...
More »Gorakhpur farmers turn to poultry business
Farmers in Uttar Pradesh's Gorakhpur district are taking to poultry business as the agriculture sector has suffered losses. Owing to increasing demand and the profit margins attached to it, growers have taken up poultry farming. To meet the shortage of poultry products in the domestic and international markets ahead of Christmas and New Year, many farmers have turned to rearing chickens. The export of poultry products has also increased by 49 percent. Om Yadav,...
More »Soaring vegetable prices to make undhiyu less palatable by Ankita Pathak
Planning to call over friends and relatives this Uttarayan for the undhiyu treat? Then, watch out, for, your budget may go haywire if you have not factored in the price rise.Onion prices aren't the only one making Amdavadis cry. Vegetable prices in general seem to make the Amdavadi very emotional as he watches his wallet being ripped apart.The soaring vegetable prices have sent household budgets haywire.Undhiyu, one of the popular...
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