The judicial commission on Adarsh will submit its interim report to the Maharasahtra government on Friday, more than a year after it was set up to probe how the building came up in Colaba. Justice (retired) J A Patil and member P Subrahmanyam on Thursday said the report would be given in a sealed envelope. With the report out of its way, the panel is all set to summon top politicians...
Reserve 25% seats for poor, SC tells pvt schools-Bhadra Sinha
All private schools and government-aided minority institutions in the country will have to provide 25% reservation in entry-level admissions for children from the weaker sections of society, the Supreme Court said on Thursday. The court said its order would take effect immediately but with most schools having completed admissions for the current academic year, poor students will be able to benefit from the judgment from 2013. Children admitted under this...
More »Supreme Court upholds RTE Act-J Venkatesan
The Supreme Court on Thursday by a majority of 2:1 upheld the constitutional validity of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, which provides for free and compulsory education to children between the age of 6 and 14 years and mandates government/aided/and non-minority unaided schools to reserve 25 per cent of the seats for these children. A Bench of Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia and Justice Swatanter Kumar...
More »‘RTE Act violates right conferred on unaided minority schools'-J Venkatesan
Reservation will change their character, says Supreme Court The Supreme Court on Thursday held that the Right to Education Act would not apply to unaided minority schools. The majority judgment by Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia and Justice Swatanter Kumar said: “Reservation of 25 per cent in such unaided minority schools will result in changing the character of the schools if the right to establish and administer such schools flows from the right...
More »Court seeks clarification on boarding schools, orphanages
-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Thursday said “every citizen has a right to establish and administer educational institution[s] under Article 19(1) (g) so long as the activity remains charitable. Such an activity undertaken by the private institutions supplements the primary obligation of the state. Thus, the state can regulate by law the activities of the private institutions by imposing reasonable restrictions under Article 19(6).” A Bench of Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia...
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