-The Telegraph New Delhi: The cumulative value of cash, liquor and other bribes to voters seized by the Election Commission during the Karnataka Assembly polls is Rs 150 crore. The seizure had been Rs 193.29 crore in Uttar pradesh in 2017 and Rs 130.99 in Tamil Nadu in 2016. Director-general (expenditure) Dilip Sharma said 136 expenditure observers, 1,557 flying squads and 2,181 static surveillance teams with GPS-enabled vehicles had been deployed in Karnataka. The...
Southern comfort: India's global poverty rank improves -Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu Study says poverty levels fell from 55% to 21% in a decade, mainly due to the lowered burden in the southern States Kolkata: India’s Multidimensional Poverty (MDP) has dropped significantly, largely as a result of the performance of five key southern States. Between 2005-06 to 2015-16, poverty level came down from 55% to 21%, improving the country’s MDP ranking. Following the drop in poverty levels, India moved to the 26th...
More »Rights panel lens on jail for minors
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Friday sought a report from the Uttar pradesh government over news reports about two minor girls being kept in jail for three-and-a-half months for alleged cow slaughter. The commission took suo motu cognisance of "a media report" that in a case of alleged cow slaughter, the police sent the two minor girls, aged about 12 and 16 years, to jail in...
More »Jean Dreze, development economist and social activist, interviewed by Sagar (CaravanMagazine.in)
-CaravanMagazine.in The economist Jean Drèze’s book, Sense and Solidarity, published in late 2017, deals with the impact of Aadhaar on social-welfare programmes, such as the National Food Security Act and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, among other things. Drèze was a member of the United Progressive Alliance government’s advisory council, which designed the NFSA and MGNREGS. He co-authored some of the essays in this book with colleagues and...
More »Karnataka excels in social audit coverage of both districts & GPs under MGNREGA in 2017-18
One of the salient features of the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act (2005) is that there are provisions in it to ensure transparency and accountability. Section 17(2) of the MGNREGA says that the gram sabha shall conduct regular social audits of all the projects under the scheme taken up within the gram panchayat (GP). In addition to that, Section 17(3) of the MGNREGA states that the GP shall make...
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