Some 10 lakh to 30 lakh migrant labourers take up skilled or semi-skilled work in Kerala. THE State Bank of India has a branch near the Raj Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram, in a by-lane on the avenue leading to the Kowdiar Palace, the residence of the former maharajas of Travancore. It is a cosy little place on the first floor of a nondescript building, and the clientele includes the rich and...
MFIs: Confusion still reigns by Arvind Panagariya
Confusion continues to reign in the debate on microfinance that has unfolded following the promulgation of the Andhra ordinance, soon to be replaced by Andhra Pradesh Micro Finance Institutions (Regulation of Money Lending) Act, 2010. A key confusion has been that microfinance is a major instrument of poverty alleviation. Going by the available scientific evidence and agreement among scholars, to-date, there exists no compelling study linking the expansion of microfinance to...
More »8 kids disappear daily in city: RTI by Dwaipayan Ghosh
About eight children go missing every day in the city, according to an RTI reply by Delhi Police. Across the city, over 2161 children had gone missing within a span of 270 days this year. Of them, 603 are yet to be traced. The chilling story was disclosed by the Alliance for Peoples' Rights, an NGO, after analyzing the consolidated figures of children who went missing between January and September this...
More »Climate change affecting Assam tea growers by Amarjyoti Borah
Rising temperatures are reducing yields and altering the distinctive flavour of a popular beverage. Climate change is affecting the cultivation of Assam tea, with rising temperatures reducing yields and altering the distinctive flavour of India's most popular drink, researchers say. High hills and abundant rainfall make the north-eastern state of Assam an ideal place to grow tea, with 850 gardens over 3,20,000 hectares (5,93,000 acres) producing the majority of the country's...
More »2010: Watershed year for Indian agriculture
In more ways than one the calendar year 2010 would go down the memory lane as a watershed year for the food and agriculture front in the country which recorded unprecedented growth rate of 4.4 per cent in July-September quarter but by December unprecedented price hike of essential food items especially left consumers in tears. As the year comes to an end, an embattled government and the Union agriculture ministry stood...
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