-The Times of India The Union Cabinet on Sunday evening approved the National Food Security Bill that will provide rice at Rs 3, wheat at Rs 2 and coarse grains at Re 1 per kg to over half of India's 1.2 billion population. The meeting was held at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's 7, Race Course Road residence. The cabinet on December 13 had deferred a decision on the Food Bill as the...
Union cabinet clears Food Security Bill
-The Hindustan Times The union cabinet has cleared the National Food Security Bill that seeks to provide rice at Rs 3, wheat at Rs 2 and coarse grains at Re 1 per kg to over half of India's 1.2 billion population. The bill seeks to cover 75% of the rural population and 50% of urban households and proposes the right of every individual to 7 kg of foodgrain. The cabinet didn't take up...
More »Union Cabinet clears Food Security Bill
-CNN-IBN The Union Cabinet on Sunday cleared Food Security Bill. The bill will now be tabled in Parliament. Earlier, around 30 activists staged a protest outside Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's residence in New Delhi on Sunday evening demanding immediate passage of Right to Food Bill. A senior police official said the activists were detained and taken to police station. The meeting was originally scheduled for Monday but advanced to Sunday evening, sources said. The...
More »Sonia Gandhi 'upset' over Food Bill delay
-Times Now TV It is allies versus the Congress over the draft Food Security Bill. Sources have told TIMES NOW that Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar has expressed his reservations over the Food Bill over its huge financial implications on the Government as it proposes to increase food subsidy by over 30,000 crore on a Government already under massive financial stress and over the need for greater food grain procurement to...
More »Sharad Pawar's MNREGA proposal flayed by Surendra Gangan
Employment Guarantee Scheme experts in the state have slammed Union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar’s proposal of giving a break of three months to the scheme during the farming season every year. Activists claimed that the Pawar’s own state has been implementing this suggestions for years now. The proposal also has been termed as ‘pro-capitalist and pro- industrialist’ by critics. Pawar, in his letter to the prime minister, had suggested that since the...
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