The Labour and Employment Ministry is expecting Rs 1,300 crore under planned allocation in the coming Budget, which will enable it to reach out to more workers in unorganised sector and extending health insurance cover to poor, an official said. The Ministry was allocated Rs 965 crore under the same plan in the ongoing fiscal. "We are expecting Rs 1,300 crore in the coming Budget to extend insurance cover to the poor...
Wayanad tribals are soft targets for sterilisation by Shahina KK
JANAKI KNOWS well that it is hard for her to rear more than four children. Yet she is not willing to go to the sterilisation camp. Her husband would be of no help in taking such a decision. “He drinks heavily, beats me up every day,” she says. Janaki is not able to express her fears in clear terms, but it is difficult to imagine her summoning up the courage...
More »Labour ministry likely to get more funds this Budget by Prashant K Nanda
The labour ministry may get about 36% more money under planned allocation in the Budget for the year starting 1 April to expand welfare programmes such as health insurance for the poor. “We are getting Rs. 1,300 crore under planned allocation in the coming Budget,” labour secretary Prabhat Chaturvedi said. The ministry was allocated Rs. 956 crore under the same Plan in the current year’s budget allocation. The labour ministry will also...
More »Too Much Goodwill by Pragya Singh
NGOs To No Go’s * NGOs have mushroomed; so have instances of misappropriation of funds * Not disclosing expenditure and receipts; nor revealing who funds them * Not setting up NGO for the task it was funded for * Flocking to 'hot' topics, inviting accusations of singing to industrialists’ tunes * For every NGO supporting a cause, another springs up against that cause *** NGO numbers * 3.3 million Number of NGOs...
More »Wages of tokenism by TK Rajalakshmi
The revised daily wage for NREGS workers is still lower than the minimum wages paid in several States. A CONTROVERSY seems to have surfaced between the Prime Minister's Office and the National Advisory Council (NAC) on the issue of wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). The NAC has been arguing for some time that there should be parity between wages under the National Rural Employment...
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