-The Hindu Like 75-year-old Mano Devi, many villagers of Latehar in Jharkand have been running from pillar to post to get Aadhaar card Latehar: At 11 am, Mano Devi reached the Garu block centre, Latehar, in a basket slung from a bamboo stick, carried by two youths from village Doram, 25 km away. The young men, Bhojendra Singh and Mithu Singh, went straight to the pragya kendra (IT centre) but Mano Devi...
Nitish Kumar’s Bihar slides in GDP growth -Pradeep Thakur
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Closer to elections, Nitish Kumar's JD (U) government in Bihar seems to be on a slide with the state's GDP growth tumbling down - from a high of 15.05% in 2012-13 to an estimated 8.82% in 2013-14. Incidentally, the ebbing of growth coincides with the split in the JD(U)-BJP alliance. Nitish had called off the alliance with the BJP in mid-June last year when the...
More »Plateau of Red turns green with agro initiative-Ramashankar
-The Telegraph Rohtas: The Kaimur plateau, once an arms training centre for Maoist cadres, is turning out to be a hub of medicinal plants. Thanks to Ritesh Kumar Pandey, a progressive farmer, the plateau has turned from "red to green". Cultivation of medicinal plants such as ghreet kumari (aloe vera), ashwagandha (withania somnifera) and shatavar or satavari (asparagus recemosus) on the water-starved land has created a buzz among the residents of Maoist-hit districts...
More »No benefits for beneficiaries-Anumeha Yadav
-The Hindu Nearly three years after the government began experimenting with Aadhaar-based payments in Jharkhand, it has not been able to start disbursing payments to beneficiaries at their doorstep Jharkhand was one of five pilot States chosen for an Aadhaar-enabled payment system (AEPS). Beginning with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) payments in select blocks in four districts in 2012, AEPS added pension and scholarship schemes and the Janani Suraksha...
More »Parting gift: wage hike and road relief -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The UPA has hiked wages for national job scheme workers by 4-18 per cent in what appears to be a "parting gift" before the elections, but failed to match "arbitrary" revisions in minimum wages for agricultural labourers in 12 states, including Bengal. According to the new wage rates under the Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Act, an MGNREGA labourer in Haryana will get Rs 236 a day, the...
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