-The Hindu At present, it is being sold at Rs. 190–200 a kg in retail stores To be sold at Rs. 110 a kg through Coop. outlets Chennai: Starting Sunday, consumers in major Cities in the State can procure toor dhal at Rs. 110 a kilo. Chief Minister Jayalalithaa had recently announced that imported toor dhal would be made available through 91 cooperative outlets. She had made the announcement following a steep increase in...
Her hard work bears fruit -Rani Devalla
-The Hindu VISAKHAPATNAM: DWCRA member makes strides by sellingfruit juice concentrates. Initially, she started off with just a couple of fruit juices using mango and guava pulp. A couple of decades ago, G. Bhagya Lakshmi was striving hard to make both ends meet with her husband Raghavendra Rao’s meagre income. Today, she earns Rs.2-3 lakh a month by making homemade juice concentrates. Hailing from Bandarulanka in East Godavari district, Bhagya Lakshmi attributes the...
More »Thanks to reservation, more women will get plum posts in Karnataka -Nagesh Prabhu
-The Hindu More women will be recruited to top jobs in various Karnataka government departments, with the hike in reservation for women at 33 per cent from the present 30 per cent. Currently, the percentage of women employees in ‘A’ and ‘B’ categories is well-short of the level prescribed by the new reservation policy. Women in ‘A’ category jobs such as Senior Assistant Directors and Deputy Directors were at 22.47 per cent...
More »Government in overdrive to rein in prices of pulses -Dilip Kumar Jha & Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Plans to enhance buffer stock to 500,000 tonnes; Gujarat exempts importers from stock limit Even as retail prices of pulses continued to exceed Rs 200 a kg in some Cities, the Centre stepped up its countrywide crackdown on hoarders and black marketers. The central government claims to have seized around 50,000 tonnes of pulses so far from 10 states, about 15,000 tonnes in the last few days alone. Officials say the...
More »When Hospitals Infect -Gauri Kamath
-The Indian Express Indian healthcare providers need to get serious about infection control. A deadly strain of bacterium has doubled its resistance to last-resort antibiotics within a year, according to the report “State of the World’s Antibiotics, 2015”. By an estimate, antimicrobial resistance — the ability of bugs to outwit antibiotics — will claim two million lives in India by 2050, a fifth of the total. India is under pressure to curb...
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