Farmana, a village in Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda's home district Rohtak, boasts of the cleanest toilets but its social Indicators still reflect Haryana's feudal mindset. Its sex ratio is far below the state average. A Nirmal Gram awardee for "total sanitation programme", and also holder of the Adarsh Gram status, Farmana has a sex ratio of 648 girls to 1,000 boys — one of the low sex ratios in...
Workshop highlights social exclusion of children
Social exclusion of children belonging to marginalised groups and barriers to children's access to their rights-based entitlements were highlighted as crucial issues confronting the society at a workshop on children's rights here recently. Activists said children being forced to work as labourers was an “abysmal failure” of all institutions.The day-long workshop was organised jointly by Save the Children, Prayatna, Society for All Round Developemnt (SARD), Consumer Unity and Trust Society...
More »Rajasthan leads the way in ensuring right to education by Aarti Dhar
Rajasthan is racing against time to get rid of the tag of a State with poor human development Indicators. At least as far as the school education is concerned, the efforts are dedicated and results expected to be positive. Keen on implementing the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 in letter and spirit, the State is already way ahead in ensuring all children are in school...
More »Need for documenting traditional food systems of tribals: FAO
There is a need for documentation of traditional food systems of the tribal population to "retain" and "protect" them in a number of countries and this is "never more so" than in India, an FAO official said here today. "There is a clear imperative to protect traditional food systems, local food resources and their biodiversity in a number of countries and this is never more so than in India," Food and...
More »Ashish Bose, Demographer interviewed by Shobhan Saxena
In 1985, Ashish Bose coined the term BIMARU while preparing a report on national population growth rate for Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. At the time, he was a professor at Delhi's Institute of Economic Growth. Ever since, BIMARU has been used to describe the four northern states that are seen as symptomatic of what's wrong with India.Shobhan Saxena asks Bose, 80, if Bihar is proof that BIMARU is history. Bihar...
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