-The Hindu The CAG, after completing this month a detailed ‘internal appraisal’ of two of its most high-profile reports, has not just stood by its findings “regardless of media comments and the statements made by senior functionaries of the government,” but also substantiated them, citing additional crucial events. The internal assessment has been done on its reports on the 2G spectrum scam of November 2010 and Civil Aviation (Air India) of September...
Solar drives that need more fuel
-The Telegraph On a full-attendance day at a business process outsourcing centre in a village in Uttar Pradesh, 40 boys and girls work on computers, each of their desktops powered by rooftop solar panels that turn sunlight into electricity. Their workplace, a two-storey building, is the only structure in Sonari, a village of about 1,700 people and located about 50km from Lucknow on the road to Sitapur, where electricity is guaranteed nine...
More »Public health crisis-R Ramachandran
The goal of universal health care requires an overhaul of the public health system, medical education and regulatory mechanisms. At long last, public health is on the agenda of the country’s policy makers. The Prime Minister’s Republic Day speech mentioned that the Twelfth Plan would focus on health just as the Eleventh Plan had focussed on education. But the manner in which the education sector has been messed with does not...
More »Petrol cheaper by Rs. 2.46, price may be slashed further
-The Hindustan Times Following a steep fall in global crude oil prices, the oil marketing companies have slashed petrol prices by Rs. 2.46 to Rs. 3.22 a litre — the second reduction this month — from Thursday midnight. Now, petrol in Delhi will cost Rs. 67.78 a litre — down by Rs. 2.46 — from Rs. 70.24 a litre. In Mumbai, the price will come down by Rs. 3.10 to Rs. 73.35...
More »India's Dalits still fighting untouchability-Natalia Antelava
-BBC Dalits are at the bottom of the Hindu caste system and despite laws to protect them, they still face widespread discrimination in India, writes Natalia Antelava. As the glass flew across the room and straight into the wall, a dozen or so men stopped drinking their tea. Dr Vinod Sonkar threw money on the counter - enough for the tea he drank and the glass he had smashed - and walked out. Dr...
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