-The Hindu The death toll in the recent violence at Gopalgarh in Bharatpur district went up to 10 with one of the injured persons breathing his last at the Sawai Man Singh Government Hospital here early on Monday morning. The deceased, 40-year-old Shabbir, was hospitalised in a serious condition after the September 14 clash. A resident of Pathrali village near Gopalgarh town, Shabbir had sustained injuries caused by pellets and also had...
The govt, not Maoists, obstructs rural development schemes by Sankar Ray
Union Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram, lacking sportsman’s spirit, has stuck to his post like Dendrite paste, despite a series of failures in combating secessionist insurgencies including the armed offensive led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist). He parrots Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and considers Maoists to be “the most formidable challenge to governance.” “Only if villagers think that the real adversary is the Naxal who keeps them under threat will...
More »Place progress reports on PDS schemes: HC to govt
-The Times of India The Gujarat high court (HC) on Thursday asked the state government to specify what steps it has taken to implement the schemes that are introduced to make the public distribution system (PDS) effective. This status report is in connection with an order passed last year. In 2010, the HC had asked the state government to implement various schemes like Antyodaya Anna Yojana, Targeted Public Distribution System, Annapurna Scheme,...
More »Now, third child can land you in jail in Kerala
-The Times of India This is going to be a tough code of conduct. You can be imprisoned for impregnating your own wife. Worst, you could be branded as a `legally disqualified person'. This will be a reality if the Kerala Women's Code Bill 2011, submitted to the chief minister by a 12-member committee with Justice V R Krishna Iyer in the chair, is implemented in its letter and spirit. In a bid...
More »25 states agree: suicide attempt should not be punishable by law by Utkarsh Anand
Twenty five Indian states have favoured striking down IPC Sec 309 that criminalises attempt to commit suicide by making it punishable with imprisonment. Responding to a query by the Union home ministry, states recently sent their comments concurring with the recommendation of the 210th Report of the Law Commission which advocated repealing Sec 309. It had argued that attempting suicide was “manifestation of a diseased condition of mind” that called for...
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