A day after the arrest of the Mumbai-based Dalit activist and editor of Vidrohi magazine, Sudhir Dhawle (42), by the Gondia police in Wardha on charges of waging a war against the State, more than 150 human rights activists, social activists, writers and journalists protested here on Tuesday against the detention. Mr. Dhawle, also a freelance journalist, was arrested on charges of having links with the banned Communist Party of India...
Police did little to nab real culprits, says slain RTI activist’s brother by Manoj More
The family of murdered RTI activist Satish Shetty today alleged that the police did little to nab the “real culprits” during the months they investigated the murder. This “inaction”, younger brother Sandeep Shetty said, has emboldened land sharks, citing as a case in point Sunday's attack on an associate of Shetty in Talegaon, the very place where Shetty had been murdered on January 13 last year. The case has since been...
More »Shutting him up by Praful Bidwai
The Raipur sessions court judgment against civil liberties defender and health activist Binayak Sen has provoked outrage. His two-year long detention had drawn protests from the world over. The only substantial charge against Sen is that he passed on three letters from Narayan Sanyal, an undertrial, suspected -- but not yet proved -- to be a Maoist, to the Maoist leadership. It takes several leaps of imagination, or nasty prejudice, to...
More »India campaigner's wife 'may seek asylum' by Suvojit Bagchi
The wife of a leading Indian human rights activist who has been sent to prison for helping Maoist rebels has said she may seek "political asylum". Ilina Sen, wife of Dr Binayak Sen, told reporters that she and her family were "not feeling safe in India" after her husband's incarceration. Last month Dr Sen was found guilty of carrying messages and setting up bank accounts for the rebels. Activists say the evidence against...
More »Mumbai journalist held on charge of waging war against state by Vinaya Deshpande
The Gondia police have arrested Sudhir Dhawle (42), Editor of Vidrohi magazine and freelance journalist based in Mumbai, on charges of waging war against the state. He was booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. “The charges are the same as those slapped on [rights activist] Binayak Sen,” Mr. Dhawle's lawyer Surendra Gadling told The Hindu. He claimed that the police took Mr. Dhawle into custody on Sunday night itself from...
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