-The Hindu The services will enable transfer, application procedures to be brought to one's door Last Christmas Eve, 35 people in a remote village of Jharkhand received a unique present. They became the first Indians to access their Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme bank accounts on their doorstep, having had their identities authenticated through their Aadhaar numbers. They are among the earliest beneficiaries of the next phase of the ambitious —...
Balanced diet
-The Business Standard Govt policy is warping farm output mix The crop output estimates for 2011-12 put out by Krishi Bhawan last week – even while projecting a record foodgrain output that would cross the 250 million-tonne mark for the first time – reveal some worrisome inter-commodity imbalances as well. The harvests of wheat and rice – both of which are facing the prospect of a glut with the official grain coffers...
More »Govt mulls ‘pay-and-use’ water ATMs for slums by Geeta Gupta
The problem of water shortage in city slums could find an answer in ‘pay-and-use’ water ATMs scheme, which the Delhi government is studying at present. According to the proposal (Newsline has a copy), the water will be filtered at a centrally located plant through reverse osmosis, and supplied to a network of decentralised, “off-grid” and solar-powered ATMs that will be located in areas with low water supply. “Potable water will be sold...
More »Rainy Days by Arti Sharma
Central pension plan NPS finally gets a boost The ‘New’ NPS Measure: Improve incentives for distributors. Has been recently implemented. Impact: Was required. But won’t be enough, need consumer education to build volumes. Proposal: Increase fund management fees with an option to lower later. Impact: Under consideration. But finance ministry unhappy with increase in costs. Proposal: Relax the norms to appoint more fund managers to increase distribution. Impact: Unlikely. At...
More »Small Indian hill state aims to improve agricultural livelihoods with UN loan
-The United Nations India is receiving a loan of nearly $90 million from the United Nations to improve agricultural livelihoods in the small north-western state of Uttarakhand, one of the poorest areas in the country. The money, resulting from an agreement signed today between the Government and the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), will go towards the Integrated Livelihoods Support Project, which aims to support and develop the food production...
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