-The Hindu Rain on Tuesday brought partial relief to Uttarakhand, where operations to put out forest fires continue on a war footing. Nainital: Showers were experienced in the higher reaches of Rudraprayag, including Kedarnath and Gaurikund. Parts of Uttarkashi, Chamoli and Pithoragarh districts also received light rain. “Light to moderate rain will be experienced throughout the State by Wednesday morning. This will continue for 72 hours,” Director of the Dehradun Meteorological Centre...
Punjab's mounting farmer crisis
-Business Standard Green revolution pioneer now marked by rising rural despair, with high costs and low incomes pushing a mass of small cultivators into a debt trap Chandigarh: Fifty eight and counting…the number of farmers' suicides in Punjab in the past three months due to agrarian distress is alarming. Maharashtra, Punjab and Telangana top this grim list, the Union government informed Parliament last week. Rainfed states are in a crisis due to two...
More »MP sees rise in infant mortality -Deshdeep Saxena
-The Times of India Bhopal: Despite an aggressive government campaign to save lives of infants in Madhya Pradesh, there has been a considerable increase in the number of their deaths in the state. According to National Health Mission, the number of deaths of infants has gone up to 19,672 till January 2016. State capital Bhopal is the worst performer where maximum 1,060 infants died from April 2015 to January 2016. The state already...
More »116 farmer suicides in first 3 months of 2016 -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Days after attributing the record number of farmer suicides in 2015 to poor disbursement of credit, which left them at the mercy of usurious money lenders, the Centre on Tuesday shared with Parliament grim statistics highlighting how the situation remains unchanged in 2016, with as many as 116 suicides during the first three months. Maharashtra continues to be the dark spot, recording the highest number of...
More »Activists, Academics Write Open Letter to PM Modi on the Drought
-TheWire.in According to the central government’s statement to the Supreme Court last week, a third of the India’s districts are currently facing a severe drought. This means that at least 33 crore Indians are affected by ongoing the crisis. Expressing their deep concern on the issue and the impact it is having on rural populations of the country, and asking that the government take appropriate relief measures immediately, more than 150 academics...
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