-The Hindu YADGIR (Karnataka): It looks like Narasappa Kotriki has pulled a rabbit out of his hat. The marginal farmer from Tipadampalli village in Yadgir district, who suffered crop loss, has found rearing rabbits quite profitable. When he fell into bad times, he purchased 100 rabbits (70 male and 30 female) with Rs 1.2 lakh. He spent another Rs. 2.8 lakh for other infrastructure — cages for the rabbits and a shed...
Maha govt to bring 'Housing for All' policy in urban areas
-PTI Contribution by the beneficiary to be lower compared to Centre's policy Mumbai: To cater to the growing need for housing in the state, Maharashtra government will soon bring a 'Housing for All' policy aimed for people living in urban areas. An official in the State Housing department said the policy will be an improvised, practical and a better version of the Centre's 'Housing for All by 2022'. Maharashtra is nearly 50% urbanised and...
More »Debt-ridden Punjab farmer commits suicide at protest site
-The Times of India BATHINDA: Finding it difficult to repay his loan and facing damage to his cotton crop, a young farmer committed suicide on Thursday at a farmers' protest venue in Bathinda. Kuldeep Singh, 26, of Chughe Kalan village in Bathinda consumed a poisonous substance around 2am and died four hours later at a hospital. Kuldeep's family owns five acres of land and had taken another 13 acres on lease. He had...
More »Dr. Jayati Ghosh, professor at JNU, interviewed by The Hindu
-The Hindu The AP government should keep the MoUs (with investors) in the public domain. Let there be a debate on the MoUs -- Jayati Ghosh, economist VIJAYAWADA: Noted economist Jayati Ghosh does not agree that civil society has been indifferent to the problems presented to farmers due to the land acquisition tactics adopted by the State Government in gathering land for its capital city project. The academic, who headed a commission that investigated...
More »Ending the debt-suicide cycle in Telangana -B Yerram Raju
-The Hindu Business Line Recently, the Telangana Agricultural Advisory Forum, consisting of a few university professors and scientists, deliberated on the causes and consequences of the drought and farmer ‘suicides’ in the State. The unofficial number of suicides attributed to farm families is 1,152. An inquiry into some of the recent suicides reveals an interesting picture. The farmers were not indebted to cooperative credit societies or commercial banks. The case of a...
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