-The Times of India The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has asked the Uttar Pradesh government to ensure security of its officials who would start probe into the alleged financial irregularities into the National Rural Health Mission. The CAG office has writen a letter to UP chief secretary and the principal secretary, health and family welfare, expressing concern over the security of its probe team, comprising 50 auditors in addition to...
New MGNREGA guidelines soon
Government is expected to unveil new guidelines for its flagship rural employment scheme, which will have a special focus on naxal-affected areas and stress on skill development. Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh said the new guidelines will give authorities greater flexibility in the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme. Addressing a meeting of Parliamentary Consultative Committee on MGNREGA here, Ramesh said complaints have come mainly from states like...
More »Bank accounts must for MGNREGA beneficiaries
-The Economic Times The government has amended its landmark Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) to ensure that beneficiaries receive wage entitlements under the Act within 15 days through institutionalised channels, like banks and post offices. The amendment to Schedule II of the MGNREGA now makes it mandatory under the law for state governments to ensure that every beneficiary has a bank or post office account and the disbursements...
More »Company of farmers
-The Business Standard Among the many initiatives and innovations being considered to improve returns to farming, the creation of producers’ companies deserves closer policy attention than has been the case so far. A farmers’ company, registered as a corporate entity with the registrar of companies, under the Companies Act, can help farm producers come together and derive economies of scope and scale. A group of farmers in Andhra Pradesh has reportedly...
More »Talk to farmers on Posco issue, Brinda tells Naveen
-PTI Opposing acquisition of fertile and multi-crop land for setting up industries, CPI(M) leader Brinda Karat on Saturday suggested Orissa chief minister Naveen Patnaik to hold talks with farmers before going ahead with the proposed Posco steel project. “I have requested the Chief Minister to talk to the people who are likely to be affected due to Posco project. Unless farmers agree to sacrifice their lands, no force should be used,”...
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