The plan outlay for 2011-12 for Andhra Pradesh has been fixed at Rs.43,000 crore, which is 17 per cent more than last year's (2010-11) outlay of Rs.36,800 crore. This was decided at the meeting held by Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy and his team of officials here on Friday with Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia and his officers. During the deliberations, Dr. Ahluwalia commended the Andhra Pradesh government by stating that...
Survey: 20 of 3,172 patients in Pune hospital carry superbug by Amruta Byatnal
NDM-1, a result of large scale misuse of antibiotics, says dean A recent survey in the Sassoon Hospital here showed that 20 out of 3,172 patients were carrying the superbug, NDM-1 gene. Sixty-six per cent of the patients also showed multidrug resistance. While it is not a cause for immediate worry, experts say, the high level of resistance to drugs could mean that soon there will be no antibiotics which can...
More »Depriving dalits of their due by Jayati Ghosh
The arrest of Suresh Kalmadi on 25 April marked yet another scene in the prolonged drama surrounding the Commonwealth Games held in Delhi in October 2010. Yet the general media focus on Kalmadi may have served to distract attention from the many other acts of omission and commission that mark the sordid history of that extravagantly planned and deeply flawed public show. In these other actions, there are stories of funds...
More »Food Price Hike Worsens Poverty in Asia by Marwaan Macan-Markar
An annual meeting of Asian finance ministers and central bank governors in Hanoi is set to address the fate of 64 million people in the region on the brink of extreme poverty. They are the worst affected by soaring food prices, which have hit record highs in the first two months of this year. "The issue of food price inflation and food security will indeed be one of the key topics...
More »Girls interrupted by Ruhi Kandhari
It was quite a role reversal. Moments after my photojournalist colleague Sayantoni and I introduced ourselves to the chief medical officer of Jhajjar district in Haryana, he did what we as journalists normally do. Reel off a barrage of questions. The first question was new (not what one generally faces while covering renewable energy policy in Delhi), “Bhai-behen kitne hain? (How many sisters/brothers you have?)” and my quick answer was “koi...
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