By spending just Rs 6,000 crore, the government can make a huge dent in the treatment of all sick people across the whole country — currently, people are spending as much as Rs 25,000 crore on buying essential medicines. This was the strong message sent out from a National Consultation organized by several civil society groups at New Delhi on Tuesday. Officials of the health ministry and the Planning Commission...
Seven sisters' demand for separate time zone gains momentum by Sanghamitra Baruah
For years, they have been waking up early and starting late. But India's northeast, which sees sunrise almost two hours before Mumbai, has decided it's time to set the clock right. The region's demand for a separate time zone has never been more vociferous April is usually the cruelest month for India's northeastern states. Cyclonic storms lash the region with vengeance and rip apart homes and hopes. But in all...
More »Govt to HC: Will hold camps to inform Games site workers about their rights, wages, benefits by Utkarsh Anand
With the Delhi High Court keeping an eye on violation of labour laws at Commonwealth Games construction sites, the Delhi government has decided to approach the workers by organising awareness camps. These camps will be organised between May 1 and 7 at all nine districts of the city, the court was told on Wednesday. The workers would be told about their rights relating to wages, safety measures and other beneficial...
More »Over 200 cases of corruption against public servants: CBI
CBI has registered more than 200 cases of corruption against government employees, including some senior officials, between January and March this year. “The CBI has registered 2,439 cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act against public servants including senior officers during the last three years (2007, 2008, 2009) and the current year (upto March 2010),” minister of state for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Prithviraj Chavan told Lok Sabha in a...
More »Won't allow cultivation of Bt brinjal: TN govt
The Tamil Nadu government today said it will not allow cultivation of genetically modified brinjal and the earlier assurance given in this regard by Chief Minister M Karunanidhi was "final". "The chief minister had said the state will not allow Bt Brinjal. And that is the final word. We will not allow (cultivation) of Bt brinjal," Agriculture Minister Veerapandi S Arumugam informed the Assembly. The Bt brinjal issue had been firmly opposed...
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