-The Hindu Allahabad: With her legs crossed and hands folded, 10-year-old Shivani sits quietly on her bed at the Kamla Nehru Regional Cancer Centre's (RCC) Jawahar ward, named after the country's first Prime Minister. "I want to grow up to be a doctor. I like playing the doctor and using needles (injections)," she replied to this correspondent's query. Shivani's father Suresh Kesharwani, mother Bimla and elder brother Rohit (17) look on anxiously. Shivani...
The poverty quibble-Latha Jishnu
-Down to Earth Government claims a huge drop in poverty numbers but critical indicators-health, malnutrition and wages-continue to be grim. So how did the poor fare better? After a long, long time there was good news to splash as media led with the report of a record 21.9 per cent drop in poverty levels. The July 24 newspaper headlines were celebratory as they reported the Planning Commission's findings that poverty rates...
More »Amendments to RTI Act: Aruna Roy slams UPA government
-DNA UPA Government's credibility is in question as instead of approaching court to oppose the Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) order bringing them under the ambit of the RTI Act, they decided to amend the Act itself, said activist Aruna Roy on Monday and asked government to hold wide ranging discussions before going ahead with their plan. Roy, who was also the member of Congress president Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council, said government's...
More »Food security Bill: Separating wheat from chaff -Ravish Tiwari
-The Indian Express As the Parliament session begins, it would be interesting to see how the food Bill debate pans out and what the stands parties take say about them. Both the main ideological opponents of the ruling Congress - the BJP and Left - have sounded a discordant note. However, their objections are more perfunctory in nature than anything else. The Left, which had so vehemently pushed the job scheme MNREGS as...
More »Understanding the poverty line-Mihir Shah
-The Hindu What it signifies, what it does not tell us and what it will definitely not be used for Great shrillness has marked the current furore over the Planning Commission's latest poverty estimates. No surprise, therefore, that understanding and wisdom have flowed in an inverse proportion. Surprising and sad, however, is the fact that some political leaders have at times spoken in a manner deeply hurtful to the aam aadmi and...
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