-PTI Law Minister Salman Khurshid on Monday said the RTI Act was being "misused" and officials and even judges feel the transparency law was transgressing into government functioning. "Undoubtedly, it has been misused. But you have to weigh misuse with usefulness of the RTI Act. We would like our life to be miserable than the life of a citizen," Khurshid said. Asked about recent remarks of Corporate Affairs Minister M Veerappa...
Govt mulls comparative study to check ‘misuse’ of RTI
-The Pioneer The Government may go for a comparative study of RTI in different countries in order to check its misuse. The Government will table Public Procurement Policy Bill and a Bill on electoral reforms to check corruption in the public arena. “Undoubtedly, RTI is being misused…Even judges feel that it is hampering the work of Courts in matters of decisions and appointments of judges…We can have comparative study on it,” said...
More »Bring public-pvt projects under RTI Act: CIC by Anahita Mukherji
If you are seeking information about a creaking flyover or inflated electricity tariffs under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, what are the chances that your queries will be answered? That may well depend on whether the service or utility is provided by a public body or a public-private partnership (PPP). While the central information commission treats PPPs as public bodies that should come under the RTI; many have wriggled...
More »Why We Oppose Biotechnology Regulation Bill by Bharat Dogra
The Union Government has prepared the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India Bill, 2001 (BRAI in brief) for the regulation of the biotechnology sector in India. While the need for strong and careful regulation certainly exists keeping in view the serious threats posed to health and environment by the genetically modified (GM) crops, the BRAI can actually increase this threat by paving the way for the rapid spread of GM crops...
More »New Land Law: Riddled with loopholes by Ram Singh
The government has introduced the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill, 2011, in Parliament. The Bill fails to address fundamental causes behind disputes and litigation over compensation. Moreover, like the existing law, it has provisions that can be misused by states to favour companies at the expense of the rights of farmers and forest dwellers. An excessive use of the emergency clause is not the only abuse of the current law...
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