Of the four persons who died in the rioting in Kosi Kalan in Mathura district on Friday, two were twins. Postmortem has confirmed that both of them were alive when they suffered the burns that killed them. The family says they were caught by a mob and thrown into a burning shop, from which their bodies were found. Bhura and Kallua, who made a living selling vegetables on the Agra-Delhi highway,...
Soon, breath test to tell tuberculosis in just 6 minutes-Malathy Iyer
A breath test to detect the deadly tuberculosis (TB) bacteria in six minutes flat has been developed in the US, with help from experts in Mumbai. doctors from Hinduja Hospital in Mahim and the state-run JJ Hospital in Byculla have helped validate the prototype for the point-of-breath test, according to an article published in medical journal 'Tuberculosis' recently. The test could emerge as the quickest way to screen a patient for...
More »Bird count sounds alarm-Animesh Bisoee
Can a city’s bird count impact its health? Well, if ornithologists are to be believed, it can. Jamshedpur has shown two clear trends in terms of its avian population. One, the number of crows has dwindled to less than 5,000 now from 20,000 in the recent past. Two, the number of pigeons (also called rock dove) has increased to 10,000 from4,000 to 5,000. And this, a city ornithologist says, can be dangerous...
More »Victim cries for gutka ban-GS Mudur
A 26-year-old man from Hooghly who lost his tongue to cancer in a Mumbai hospital last week has lent his voice to a public health campaign urging the Bengal government to ban the sale of gutka laced with tobacco. Mantu Mahato, who was diagnosed with advanced tongue cancer earlier this year, five years after he started chewing gutka, has written a letter to chief minister Mamata Banerjee urging her to ban...
More »The Aamir Khan Column: Health care for the poor, a dream worth dreaming-Aamir Khan
What is the point of having a great GDP if as a society we are unhealthy? I am a bit of a dreamer. I dream that one day we will be living in a country where things will be different, and where the rich and the poor will both get the same, good, quality health care. To many it may seem like a totally impractical, and an unachievable dream. But it's...
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