-The Hindu The Indian government has assured COVID-19 vaccines will be provided for all by December 2021. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has downgraded its India growth forecast for this year to 10% on Tuesday, from 11% projected in April, citing the SECond wave restrictions across States and expects most of India’s population to be vaccinated by 2022-23. The Indian government has assured COVID-19 vaccines will be provided for all by December 2021,...
Citizen's Report on Year Two of the NDA-II Government 2020-2021: Promises and Reality, Civil Society Initiative, Coordinated by Wada Na Todo Abhiyan, released in July, 2021
-Citizen's Report on Year Two of the NDA-II Government 2020-2021: Promises and Reality, Civil Society Initiative, Coordinated by Wada Na Todo Abhiyan, released in July, 2021 “Promises & Reality – Citizens’ Report on the Year Two of the NDA II Government, 2020-21” is a collective work by eminent members and organisations of the Indian civil society. The report covers a wide array of concerns and issues in thematic areas including health,...
More »Journalists Patricia Mukhim, Anuradha Bhasin Move SC Against Sedition Law
-TheWire.in The two have said that SECtion 124-A of the Indian Penal Code will continue to "haunt and hinder" the right to free speech and the freedom of the press. New Delhi: Journalists Patricia Mukhim and Anuradha Bhasin have become the latest to move Supreme Court challenging the constitutional validity of sedition law contending that the colonial-era penal provision was being used to intimidate, silence and punish scribes. Mukhim is editor of The...
More »As Higher-Caste Influential Hindus Turn Vegetarian, States, Govts Try To Enforce Vegetarianism -Prannv Dhawan & Sabah Gurmat
-Article-14.com Barring Rajasthan and Punjab, meat-consumption in India has risen over the decade. But with higher-caste, politically dominant Hindus turning to vegetarianism, at least 23 states now have beef bans, 15 states disallow even eggs in midday meals and Air India has largely turned vegetarian. India's enforced vegetarianism and how it violates the Constitution and rule of law. Ludhiana & Mumbai: A few weeks before India’s Covid-19 SECond wave, one of the...
More »Banks turn cautious on student loans -Sangeetha Kandavel and Sanjay Vijayakumar
-The Hindu There has been sharp rise in the NPAs amid COVID-19 pandemic With unemployment rising, the ability of those who have taken education loans to pay back has come down sharply. As a result, the non-performing assets (NPAs) have increased in the last one-and-a-half years. R. Nagarajan had taken a loan for his engineering course and started repaying it when he got a job at a start-up in the SECond half of...
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