The special Lokayukta court in Bengaluru on Monday issued an Arrest warrant against former Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa. The court issued the Arrest warrant after Yeddyurappa failed to appear before the court on two occasions in a row. The case in question is pertaining to corruption, which was filed by advocate Sirajudin Pasha. Yeddyurappa had been Arrested the last time in connection with the same case. He was, however, granted bail...
Dalit homes’ burning: Orissa draws flak over ‘inaction’ by Debabrata Mohanty
National Commission for Scheduled Caste chief P L Punia Sunday slammed the Orissa government for its “failure” to apprehend the people who burnt Dalit homes at Lathor village in January. Houses of at least 45 Dalit families were set on fire at Lathor in Bolangir district on January 22. A Dalit boy Ganesh Suna boy had reportedly bought a shirt but the upper caste shopkeeper, Bharat Meher, accused him of stealing...
More »Dalit women of Jharkhand being forced into false marriages
-ANI Sunita Kumari, a twelve year old Dalit girl from Balthar Mod, Jharkhand, a student of class seven, was forced into marriage not once but twice. Her first tie-up was at the age of seven with a mentally challenged person residing in the nearby Siktia village. Soon after the marriage Sunita escaped from the trap and the first thing she did after coming back was to request her mother to let her...
More »RTI activist goes missing in Capital by Ashok Kumar
A 38-year-old Right to Information activist, Shiv Kumar Tiwari, who had carried out a sting operation on New Delhi Municipal Council officials and Delhi Police personnel for taking bribe leading to several Arrests and also filed a complaint in the sensational MCD “ghost employees” case, has gone missing under mysterious circumstances from Ghazipur here. Mr. Tiwari, a florist who owns “Tiwari” on Baba Kharak Singh Marg in Connaught Place, had...
More »The Politics of Rape
-Economic and Political Weekly Mamata Banerjee cynically casts aspersions on a rape victim to further her political agenda. When rape becomes a political power game, every woman, not just a rape survivor, has reason to be afraid. What this suggests is that, for people in the political battlefield, the seriousness of this violent crime and the increasing incidence of rape in our towns and villages are of no concern. This has become...
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