The Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court on Wednesday issued notice to the Attorney General of India on a writ petition by advocate Ashok Pande and social activist Dr Nutan Thakur challenging the resolution issued by the Centre to constitute a committee on Lokpal Bill. The court asked the AG to appear before it to explain how and why the drafting committee for the Lokpal Bill was formed. The order was passed...
Jan Lokpal bill: addressing concerns by Prashant Bhushan
The draft bill seeks to create an institution that will be independent of those it seeks to police, and will have powers to investigate and prosecute all public servants, and others found guilty of corrupting them. A number of commentators have raised issues about the provisions in the draft of the Jan Lokpal Bill. They have asked whether it would be an effective instrument to check corruption. They have pointed to...
More »A Table for Nine Billion by Aprille Muscara
As the World Bank and International Monetary Fund convene for their annual Spring Meetings here, soaring food prices are high on the agenda, prompting some analysts to fast-forward to 2050 and the question of how to nourish the mid-century's estimated world population of 8.9 billion people – the majority of whom will live in developing countries. "More poor people are suffering and more people could become poor because of high and...
More »Centre to announce new water policy: Salman Khurshid by Gargi Parsai
The Centre will come up with a new National Water Policy next year that will address the issues of water scarcity, management and conservation, Union water resources Minister Salman Khurshid said here on Monday. The Ministry has already undertaken an exercise to review the National Water Policy of 2002, and is holding consultations with various stakeholders on the new policy, which would take on board issues relating to climate change. Addressing the...
More »Anna flays Sibal for saying bill won't end graft
Anna Hazare, the 72-year-old social activist and Gandhian, on Monday slammed Union Telecommunications Minister Kapil Sibal for reportedly saying that the Lokpal Bill will not eradicate corruption from India. Hazare said that if Sibal has no faith in the proposed Lokpal then he should resign from the committee that has been formed to draft a stronger anti-corruption law. "If Kapil Sibal feels that nothing will happen from Lokpal Bill, he should...
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