As Madhya Pradesh begins to harvest a bumper wheat crop, the state is finding that measures put in place to ensure that the powerful do not game the system are having the unintended effect of keeping out the most marginalised. In anticipation of a bumper harvest, the MP government announced a Rs 100 bonus that it would pay wheat farmers above the central government-fixed Minimum Support Price of Rs 1,120. "It...
A problem of abundance
In early April, the government was sitting on a pile of 44 mt of wheat and rice, more than double of what is required for maintaining the buffer stock Every three or four years, India witnesses a boom-and-bust cycle in agriculture. In the trough, prices hot up and imports of foodgrains become necessary. At the crest, all that is forgotten, there is talk of exports and life moves on. Any thought...
More »MP government deposits procurement money in farmers' bank accounts by Mahim Pratap Singh
Over Rs.1,000 crore deposited Procurement process being monitored For the first time in India, the Madhya Pradesh government has directly deposited over Rs. 1,000 crore in the bank accounts of farmers against procurement of wheat in the last 25 days. This amount includes a bonus paid at the rate of Rs.100 per quintal. The direct deposit process aims at saving farmers from the clutches of middlemen and will be continued in the coming...
More »PM turns to plan panel for food law solution by Deepshikha Sikarwar
Prime minister Manmohan Singh has enlisted the Planning Commission's support to reconcile varying views on the proposed food security legislation . Singh has asked the commission to suggest the best possible framework for the Food Security Act after several members of the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) objected to the suggestion of a government panel to restrict coverage of the ambitious scheme. The proposed legislation seeks to provide legal guarantee of...
More »Parties ask UP Govt to consider wheat export by Arvind Singh Bisht
With wheat production expected to touch a new high during the ongoing Rabi season, a demand for its export has gained ground in UP. The export, is seen as the only way to help ease the problem of plenty and also to ensure remunerative prices to farmers. Incidentally, India's overall wheat production is also estimated to go up substantially. This comes at a time, when there is a global slump with...
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