The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday moved the Supreme Court challenging the Madras High Court judgment striking down ultra vires the amendment to the Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education Act to defer implementation of the ‘Samacheer system'. The special leave petition directed against the High Court judgment dated July 18 is likely to the mentioned for early hearing on Thursday. On behalf of students and parents, caveats had also...
Jaya govt finds too much of Karunanidhi in school texts by Gopu Mohan
What are these books about? They were prepared as part of a common syllabus system by the previous government. Under the Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education Act, 2010, “Samacheer Kalvi” was an effort towards a uniform syllabus for the four streams of school education in the state: State Board, Matriculation Schools, Oriental Schools and Anglo-Indian Schools, which follow separate syllabi, textbooks and examination patterns, and are under different boards. How...
More »Mapping reveals Pune district needs another 200 schools
Pune : The state government’s exercise to map schools in the state to determine distribution as per population to make it easier to determine the number of schools and where they should be located to suit the Right to Education (RTE) Act targets has completed the second stage. As per the survey released on Monday, Pune district needs around 200 more schools as of now. There is a need of around...
More »‘Never let school interfere with your education ' by P. Sainath
“Freedom from fear” and “Punishment-free zone” read the slogans on the school walls. These signify the end of corporal punishment. They take on a different meaning, though, when schools are occupied by the police, as they are around Dhinkia and Govindpur, the villages resisting the State's takeover of their farmland for Posco's mega power and steel project ( The Hindu , July 13-14). Children here grabbed national attention when they joined...
More »Edu dept gives stick to school for violation of RTE by Abhishek Choudhari
NAGPUR: In a shocking incident a city school issued transfer certificates (TC) to two siblings without showing any cause or informing their parents beforehand. TOI had reported on July 5 that the Mahatma Gandhi Centennial primary school (MGC) in Jaripatka had refused entry to two of its students. After their father filed a complaint with the education department, the school sent the TC for both the kids by post without...
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