-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday directed the Centre and nine states, including Bengal, to file affidavits within four weeks stating by when they would fill their vacant posts of information commissioners and, in some cases, even chief information commissioners. The bench of Justices A.K. Sikri and Ashok Bhushan were hearing a petition from RTI activist Anjali Bharadwaj, who cited four vacancies in the Central Information Commission and many...
Cattle trade rules: Government was warned within -Sowmiya Ashok
-The Indian Express An RTI query filed by The Indian Express with the MoEF revealed that the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) was questioned as early as June of 2016 over its jurisdiction to draw up federal guidelines to regulate animal markets. New Delhi: Fifteen months before the controversial cattle trade rules were withdrawn by the Centre, questions were raised internally during the framing stage on whether the central government was...
More »New EPF enrolment during Sep., 2017 to Apr., 2018 confined to a few industries & states, indicates data
A document of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) dated 25th June, 2018 says that the number of members subscribing to the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) scheme gives one an idea of the level of employment in the formal sector viz. mostly employment in establishments employing 20 or more persons (though EPF is applicable for certain organisations, which employ less than 20 persons, subject to certain conditions and...
More »Cloak on RTI bill -Anita Joshua
-The Telegraph New Delhi: In the Lok Sabha bulletin for legislative business of the upcoming monsoon session, one bill stands out because it is the only one about which no details have been furnished. The bill seeks to amend the Right to Information Act of 2005, and the ironical opaqueness has alarmed transparency advocates who have mounted a pushback. As many as 18 bills are listed for introduction, consideration and passage in the...
More »Setting up a social media hub will be like creating a surveillance state, says SC
-PTI Bench issues notice to Union government on a plea against the project to track “digital media chatter from all core social media platforms” The Supreme Court on Friday took a strong note of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry’s decision to set up a social media hub for monitoring online data, observing that it would be “like creating a surveillance state”. The court said the government wanted to tap citizens’ WhatsApp messages and...
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