Former Chief Justice of India K.G. Balakrishnan’s younger brother K.G. Bhaskaran, who had gone on medical leave following allegations of amassing wealth, today resigned as special government pleader in Kerala High Court. In his resignation letter, sent to advocate-general C.P. Sudhakara Prasad, Bhaskaran said he was resigning on health grounds. Prasad had earlier asked him to go on leave or quit. This is the second resignation following the media exposures on wealth...
Madhya Pradesh plans 50,000 jobs for tribals
About 50,000 tribal youths will be provided jobs in Madhya Pradesh during the next three years, Tribal Welfare Minister Kunwar Vijay Shah said Wednesday. The minister said this during a departmental officers meeting. According to the 2001 census, there are 12.23 million tribals in the state. They constitute 20.27 percent of the total state population of 60.38 million. There are 46 recognized Scheduled Tribes in the state and three of them were identified...
More »Salary jump for Doctors in villages
Dispur has hiked the salaries of all Doctors serving in rural areas with additional incentives for those posted in the most remote and underdeveloped char or riverine areas of the state. Health and family welfare minister Himanta Biswa Sarma today said the monthly salaries of Doctors serving under the National Rural Health Mission has been increased from the existing Rs 20,000 to Rs 30,500. He said similarly the salary of dentists had...
More »‘Binayak conviction a travesty of justice'
Condemning the conviction of physician and human rights activist Binayak Sen as a travesty of justice, more than 250 physicians, medical professionals and students here on Tuesday demanded his immediate and unconditional release. Dr. Sen along with Maoist ideologue Narayan Sanyal and city-based businessman Pijush Guha was sentenced to life imprisonment on December 24 by a Raipur court on charges of criminal conspiracy to commit sedition under Section 124(a) of IPC. Assembling...
More »India campaigner's wife 'may seek asylum' by Suvojit Bagchi
The wife of a leading Indian human rights activist who has been sent to prison for helping Maoist rebels has said she may seek "political asylum". Ilina Sen, wife of Dr Binayak Sen, told reporters that she and her family were "not feeling safe in India" after her husband's incarceration. Last month Dr Sen was found guilty of carrying messages and setting up bank accounts for the rebels. Activists say the evidence against...
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