-Hindustan Times According to the Delhi Police, while the blockades were being removed, there was still no confirmation on when exactly the movement of vehicles may resume. The process of removing blockades put up along the Tikri border on the Delhi side was reportedly underway to resume vehicular movement. The border has remained blocked for almost a year now since farmers launched their protest in the area against three centrally passed agri...
Varanasi weavers: facing a string of setbacks -Samiksha
-RuralIndiaOnline.org It's Been hard days for powerloom weavers in the city's Bazardiha cluster – with lockdowns and monsoon flooding. But it’s the UP government’s review of their electricity subsidy that has them the most worried In the narrow lanes of Bazardiha, amid the clacking sounds of powerlooms, Wasim Akram is busy at work. He has Been weaving since the age of 14 in the same two-storey brick-cement house – generations old, as...
More »Dried Wells, Broken Dams, Distressed Villagers Define UP's Multi-Crore 'Bundelkhand Package' -Dheeraj Mishra
-TheWire.in Corruption, poor quality construction materials and the specious implementation of schemes combined with the Centre’s flawed MSP policies have rendered the attempt to transform the region useless. Chitrakoot/ Banda: On a freezing night in early January, as anchors on television and radio jubilated in the new year and extolled the many ‘achievements’ of the incumbent government, Madhav Prasad, a 55-year-old farmer in Bundelkhand, lay anxious on a cot in his hut. The...
More »Farmers Spend Night In Queue As Madhya Pradesh Fertiliser Crisis Drags On -Anurag Dwary
-NDTV.com Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar has admitted that there is a slight shortage of DAP and blamed international prices. Bhopal: Long queues and loud protests by farmers can be seen across Madhya Pradesh as the acute shortage of fertilisers in the peak harvesting season drags on. In Ashok Nagar, about 190 km from state capital Bhopal, hundreds of farmers have Been sleeping outside the Mungaoli block headquarters so that they can...
More »For Delhi’s street vendors, it’s not business as usual after HC order -Muneef Khan
-The Hindu Removal of ‘illegal hawkers’ at Connaught Place has pushed them into distress The removal of “illegal” hawkers and street vendors from Connaught Place market following an order from the Delhi High Court has left many worried about their future. While some attempt to carry out their businesses around Connaught Place, most say they “have nowhere else to go”. According to the Delhi Street Hawkers Survey conducted by the government, 73,716 hawkers...
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