-The Indian Express Recently, the CBI filed a supplementary chargesheet against four Gurgaon police officers for allegedly framing Ashok Kumar in a schoolboy’s murder case. Gurgaon: Over three years have passed since bus conductor Ashok Kumar, according to the CBI, was falsely implicated by the Gurgaon police in a schoolboy’s murder, but the scars — both physical and mental — are yet to heal. His family said that beaten up in police...
Will Supreme Court's Hearing on Farmer Protests Go the Shaheen Bagh Way? -Bishwajit Bhattacharyya
-TheWire.in The executive is shifting every contentious policy issue to the court. All eyes are now on the Supreme Court hearing on January 11, 2021. Agitating farmers did not move the apex court and are not happy about the hearing. The Centre seems happy. The agriculture minister’s loud statement voiced on January 8 tells it all. This typifies misgovernance. The executive is shifting every contentious policy issue to the court. Farmers surely want a...
More »Why Modi Govt Looked the Other Way on Giving Cash Relief During Pandemic -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in Timidity vis-à-vis international finance capital, callousness toward people, and cynicism in manipulating the electorate and legislators, have made the Modi government one of the most ultra-Right governments in the world. The Narendra Modi government must be the most timid in the world vis-à-vis international finance capital. By the same token, it must be the most callous in the world vis-à-vis the Working people of the country. The one is the flip...
More »Why public employment is crucial for a healthy, equitable society -Jayati Ghosh
-Scroll.in Greater public employment ensures better deliver of public services to citizens. This is an excerpt from the sixth edition of the India Exclusion Report, a collaborative effort involving institutions and individuals Working with a shared notion of social and economic equity, justice and rights. The report seeks to inform public opinion around exclusion and the role of the state and to influence policy-making towards creating a more inclusive, equitable and just...
More »Punjab yet to finish 85% of Work under NREGA this financial year -Anju Agnihotri Chaba
-The Indian Express The state has taken up 1.31 lakh Works under the scheme in the past 9 months till December 31, 2020 including some spill over Works of the last financial year out of which only 19,612 Works (around 15 per cent of the total taken up Works) could be completed till date. Jalandhar: Despite generating 269 lakh person days and starting on a good note despite Covid-19, Punjab has only...
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