The backward Sehriya community in Rajasthan will now get work for 200 days instead of 100 days under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MgNREGA) this year, an official said."The state government has issued direction to provide job for 200 days per family in Sehriya community during the current fiscal year. The state government will bear the cost of additional 100 days," he said.The Gehlot government had announced the...
NREGA: Govt to look into FIR filed in Re 1 wage
The state government on Tuesday assured that it will examine the First Information Report filed for paying extremely low wages to MgNREGA workers in Gudliya village in Tonk district. The FIR had charged six village mates for paying just Re 1 as wages to about 99 workers. However, after protests by members of various organisations during the monthly meeting of NREGA, minister for rural development Bharat Singh assured that the department...
More »Govt failed in taking action on anomalies
It's been a tale of misses for the state government on all counts as far as curbing corruption in MgNREGA is concerned. For, despite having conducted at least 35 special audit at various work sites in the state, there seems to be little action initiated by it as far as recovery of money, action against the culprits and in some cases even executing its plans are concerned. According to Shankar Singh of...
More »Panchayat banks to speed up MgNREGA workers' pay by KA Gupta
Though efforts have been initiated to allure labourers towards MgNREGA schemes, a latest issue at hand is the payment of wages on time. "If an officer takes interest in the execution of schemes of the centrally- sponsored Act, there will be no problem in payment of wages," said MgNREGA national inquiry committee member Wilfred Lakra, prasing the BDOs of Dumri and Ghaghra Shishir Kumar Singh and Manoj Kumar respectively for taking...
More »MgNREGA, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan linked through UID
Madhya Pradesh is the only State in the country, which has linked MgNREGA, Treasury, Food Coupon, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the like with Unique Identity Number (UID) card. Over four lakh registrations have been made in the State and 1.61 lakh cards have been distributed. Initially the work of preparing Unique Identity Cards was underway in five districts _ Hoshangabad, Harda, Dewas, Shajapur and Burhanpur _. The first phase work in...
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