The flood situation worsened further in the western districts of Uttar Pradesh with the death of four more persons in rain related incidents even as around 177 villages of Bareilly, Badaun, Pilibhit and Shahajanpur were inundated. Meanwhile, Congress President Sonia Gandhi has arrived here to undertake an aerial survey of the flood-affected areas, officials said. "The Congress President Sonia Gandhi, who this morning undertook a tour of flood and cloudburst hit...
Ethiopians say Indians grabbing land.Indian farmers claim it is official by Shantanu Guha Ray
RAM KARUTURI, the world’s largest rose grower, calls it a situation that needs immediate intervention. Else, he is sure the rush of Indians to Africa will ebb to a trickle, which, in turn, could have serious implications as ethnic tensions with the locals are slowly, but steadily, rising in some parts of the continent. The hub of the crisis is Gambela, one of Ethiopia’s nine states, for long starved of investment....
More »Number of hungry people in the world drops for the first time in 15 years: FAO by Amulya Nagaraj
The number of hungry people in the world dropped about 10 percent for the first time in 15 years to below 1 billion but the figure is still "unacceptable," the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in a report. According to a report titled "The State of Food Insecurity in the World," which will be jointly published by FAO and World Food Program (WFP) in October, about 925 million people...
More »Flood situation still grim in northern India
Fresh reports of the possibility of a breach in the Tajewala barrage have created panic among the people in the low-lying areas. If there is a breach in the barrage then the national capital could face another serious flood-like situation. The reports of a possible breach have come after more than 2.5 lakh cusecs of water had been released from the Hathnikund Barrage in Haryana on Monday, which resulted in many...
More »Indian children still underweight – after 20 years of interventions by Jason Burke
Inefficiency, the global financial meltdown and rising food prices have conspired to reverse progress made on poverty and hunger Head out of Delhi, across the fetid Yamuna River, with the tourist sites behind you and the northern Indian plains in front of you. Go past the new, luxury flats built for the Commonwealth Games, turn right and follow the lines of the new metro and then plunge left, avoiding the chaotic...
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