-The Hindu Thirteen people of the Ror community have been arrested and heavy security deployed in Pabnawa village of Kaithal district in Haryana, after a 400-strong mob allegedly launched an attack on 150 Dalits on Saturday, causing some 200 Dalit families to flee the village. Their houses were allegedly looted and women humiliated. The attack was a sequel to Dalit boy Suryakant's marriage with Ror community girl Meena on April 10. The...
Dalits flee Haryana village after upper caste attacks -Deepender Deswal
-The Times of India KAITHAL: As politicians and administrators in many northern Indian states were preparing to celebrate Dalit icon B R Ambedkar's 122nd birth anniversary this weekend, more than 100 Dalits were fleeing a small Haryana village after being chased by upper caste goons, angry that a Dalit man had dared to marry one of their girls. Meena and Surya Kant of Pabnama village in Kaithal were in a relationship for...
More »Social Justice
KEY TRENDS • According to National Sample Survey report no. 583: Persons with Disabilities in India, the percentage of persons with disability who received aid/help from Government was 21.8 percent, 1.8 percent received aid/help from organisation other than Government and another 76.4 percent did not receive aid/ help *8 • As per National Family Health Survey-4 (NFHS-4), the Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR) was 57.2 per 1,000 live births (for the non-STs it was 38.5)...
More »Alarming trend: More sex assault victims attempting suicide in Haryana
-The Indian Express Chandigarh: Call it fear of social ostracism, or lack of belief in law and order machinery, more and more reports of sexual assault victims trying to kill self are coming to light in Haryana. In the last four months, at least six such cases have been reported where the victims of sexual harassment, including molestation, stalking and rape, have attempted suicide. In the most recent incident, a Karnal based woman...
More »Introduce SC, ST quota, Jairam Ramesh to Institute of Rural Management
-DNA For a rural management institute working to uplift lives of the underpriviliged, absence of norms of reservation for scheduled castes (SC) and scheduled tribes (ST) is an irony. Or it seemed so to Union minister for rural development Jairam Ramesh, who was the chief guest at Saturday's convocation of the Institute of Rural Management (Irma), Anand. As he began the convocation address, Jairam asked Irma chairman Deep Joshi to enforce reservation...
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