Acting swiftly against a glaring instance of untouchability in western Tamil Nadu, revenue and police officials on Wednesday directed caste Hindus of N Kumarapalayam village, near Dharapuram in Tirupur district, to remove two fences they had erected to prevent dalits from using public roads. About 150 families of caste Hindus erected barbed wire "untouchability fences" on Friday to prevent over 50 dalit families living in the Aandikattu Thottam village from...
‘Dependence on bureaucracy is why the poor remain poor’
Once, during a tour of his constituency in Tamil Nadu, Member of Parliament and former Panchayati Raj minister Mani Shankar Aiyar came across an eight-year-old boy. A chance meeting that he says threw light on why India stagnates at the 134th position in the United Nations Human Development Index. The boy, Aiyar said during a brief pause in his United Nations Millennium lecture at the British Council on Sunday, had got...
More »Rural employment guarantee scheme: gaps in media coverage by S Viswanathan
“This Employment Guarantee Act is the most significant legislation of our times in many ways. For the first time, rural communities have been given not just a development programme but a regime of rights…The NREGA gives employment, gives income, gives a livelihood, and it gives a chance to live a life of self-respect and dignity.” — Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the launch of NREGS The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme...
More »RTI rescues Rajasthan women from hunger, deprivation by Mamta Jaitly
In Vijaypura village, marginalised women, especially widows, have used the RTI tool to procure food grains under PDS and are living a healthy life. The movement, instigated by a young RTI activist, boasts of achieving the millennium goal of reducing hunger by half in the region. It was from the state of Rajasthan that the Right to Information (RTI) movement emerged as an idea that went on to capture national...
More »Rural infrastructure to get a facelift by R Vimal Kumar
Administrative sanction for 593 works They include construction of libraries Rural infrastructure in Tirupur district will undergo a moderate transformation if the improvement plans conceptualised by the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) at around Rs. 20 crore for the current financial year materialises at the ground level. Official sources told The Hindu that as part of the project, administrative sanction had been accorded to 593 works in 45 panchayats at Rs. 9 crore...
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