-The Hindu The hunger strike called by social activist Medha Patkar of the National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) in protest against developer Shivalik Ventures at Mumbai's Golibar colony entered its fourth day on Monday. Ms. Patkar's health is believed to be deteriorating. “She has fever, a high blood pressure and bouts of vomiting,” Mukta Srivastava of NAPM told The Hindu over telephone. Ms. Patkar's protest is gathering strong support from all...
Food security Bill to be ready soon: minister by Samar Halarnkar
Riding on the determination of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) chairperson Sonia Gandhi, the draft law that will make access to food a constitutional right will be ready within 15 days, a minister said on Monday, even as police detained some members of the National Advisory Council (NAC). “We are in the process of finalizing the draft Bill,” said minister of state for food K.V. Thomas. “I have discussed it (the Right...
More »Details of patented drugs to be made public by CH Unnikrishnan
To increase transparency, India’s patent regulator will soon make public details about patented drugs which include whether domestic demand for these medicines is met at a reasonable price. Patent holders in the country are required to submit once every year the so-called working details which include the quantity and value of a product that is sold, manufacturing base, quantity of production or imports, and a statement on whether public requirement has...
More »A frenzied media fails to use the RTI Act by Manu Moudgil
“Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders.” This quote by US President Ronald Reagan summarises the significance attributed to facts, figures and data and the need to make them freely available across servers and bandwidths. In this age of internet and mobile networks, the amount of information available to us is far more than...
More »“No change in land use pattern without gram sabha participation” by Gargi Parsai
“Just as the civil society has been involved in the formulation of a Lokpal Bill, so should people's representatives be allowed to participate in framing a new, comprehensive law on Development Planning that includes resettlement and rehabilitation of those displaced by projects.” To intensify stir This is the demand of pradhans of several western Uttar Pradesh villages, who, along with along with representatives of the National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) spoke...
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