Tension prevailed in the Surya Nagar area of this Haryana district Tuesday after stray incidents of violence following a dispute between the members of the Dalit and Jat communities, police said. 'Yesterday (Monday) night a buffalo, belonging to a member of Dalit community, collided with a vehicle that was owned by a Jat Youth. At that time there were some heated arguments but the situation was somehow controlled,' a police...
Medieval justice: Kangaroo courts call the shots in TN by Padmini Sivarajah
In several hamlets in the caste sensitive pockets of south Tamil Nadu, the law of the land has ceased to exist. Here, it is the ‘kattapanchayat’ or kangaroo courts that rule. A few months ago, Nagaraj, a dalit from Vedasandur in Dindigul district, married a non-dalit girl, Sumathi. Fear of reprisal prompted them to flee the village. They returned a month later hoping that their parents would accept them. But...
More »Nagaland has over 9,000 child labourers: Survey
Over 9000 child labourers throughout 11 district headquarters of Nagaland work in various sectors for about 16 hours a day without proper accommodation, food and education. According to a survey conducted by the Nagaland government’s Labour Department, the report was revealed by Joint Labour Commissioner of Nagaland Er Nungshiyanger Aier during a programme held at Dimapur to mark the ‘World Day against Child Labour’ yesterday. He greeted the Youth volunteers for taking...
More »Rs 1100cr boost for 11 districts by Amit Gupta
The fight against Naxalites and development activity in rebel-affected areas are set to get a much-needed impetus over the next two years. Authorities in 11 rebel-affected districts of Jharkhand, which are among 33 across the country, have been told by the Planning Commission to prepare development plans to the tune of Rs 100 crore each for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 fiscals. Since the beginning of the month, deputy commissioners of...
More »Bhopal panic seeps into Singur Ash from factory with blot on record by Kinsuk Basu and Jayanta Basu
Bhopal cast a pall on Singur today, fed by a cocktail of pollution, panic and politics. A chemical factory, declared a “fit case for closure” by the state pollution control board (PCB) two months ago, spewed carbon soot-laced smoke this dawn. The plant belongs to Himadri Chemicals and Industries, a company with an annual turnover of over Rs 500 crore and said to be the country’s largest manufacturer of coal tar...
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