-The Indian Express With corruption emerging as a national issue, the government on Wednesday unveiled a host of steps as part of its anti-graft drive, including setting up of 71 fast-track special CBI courts, fixing of a limit of three months to grant sanction for prosecution of “tainted” officials, and abolishment of discretionary powers enjoyed by ministers — as recommended by a Group of Ministers on corruption. Announcing that the government has...
In Chhattisgarh, bureaucratic enthusiasm leaves lakhs without rations by Aman Sethi
“There is never enough rice to go around for the whole family,” says tribal woman Leela With a handful of grain and a head full of recipes, Leela cooks rice in a pot balanced on three stones in a room with a few bricks knocked out to let in sunlight in this village barely 150 km from Raipur, Chhattisgarh capital. When rice is scarce, she adds more water to make a broth,...
More »New Mining Bill aims at equity, transparency by Sujay Mehdudia
The Mines and Mineral Development and Regulation (MMDR) Bill, 2011 approved by the Union Cabinet on Friday aims to ensure transparency, equity, elimination of discretion, effective redress and regulatory mechanisms along with incentives encouraging good mining practices, which will lead to technology absorption and exploitation of deep seated minerals. The menace of illegal mining in Karnataka and Goa continues unabated despite strong outrage against it. As many as 82,000 cases were...
More »Nagaland prepares to implement Right to Education by Jan 2012 by Chizokho Vero
In keeping with the need for the successful implementation of the Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009 in Nagaland, enhancing the level of awareness, further discussion and to get well versed about the rules as enshrined in the Act has been strongly felt at a seminar held today with NGOs, organized by SCERT, Nagaland at DUDA Guest House. Nagaland will also join the rest of the country in implementing RTE Act...
More »CIC shield to protect RTI crusaders by Anahita Mukherji
Central Information Commission (CIC) has come out with a landmark resolution to combat unending assaults on right to information (RTI) activists. According to the resolution, if the commission receives a complaint regarding an assault on or murder of an information-seeker, it will examine pending RTI applications of the victim and order the departments to publish the requested information suo motu on their websites. The resolution was mooted by information commissioner Shailesh...
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