-The New Indian Express Which means sometime last year, when crude was averaging $25 a barrel, petrol should have sold for Rs 50 a litre. Nearly two-and-a-half years ago, when global crude Oil Prices were around $75 a barrel, petrol was selling at Indian pumps for Rs 75 a litre. Today, when crude Oil Prices have fallen to $52 a barrel, petrol prices have hit an all-time high of Rs 86 or...
It's Time Agricultural Production Kept Pace With India’s Changing Food Preferences -Seema Bathla and Siraj Hussain
-TheWire.in Going forward, processed foods, with both low and high levels of secondary processing, offers significant potential for non-farm jobs, and equally makes agriculture remunerative. India takes pride in producing surplus food-grains, oilseeds, spices, milk, fruits and vegetables. Many a time, due to a large supply of agricultural produce, market prices crash, leaving the farmers out in the cold. Low bargaining power, lack of storage infrastructure and inadequate cold storage facilities in the...
More »India’s external sector during the pandemic -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-NetworkIdeas.org The complete absence of any meaningful fiscal response from the Indian government in the face of one of the biggest economic crises ever faced, cries out for explanation. One argument has been that the central government is concerned about its external vulnerability: a large increase in public spending could generate higher imports, thereby worsening the trade deficit at a time when volatile capital flows have already made the balance of...
More »Farmers want better APMCs, not ‘mukti’ from them, says AIKMS
-The Hindu The document argued that the diesel cost had been raised tremendously by the present government. The Left- affiliated All-India Kisan Mazdoor Sabha (AIKMS) on Sunday released a document countering the claims of the Modi government on the three contentious farm laws, saying that the government’s arguments for not repealing the legislations were “deceptive” and “untruthful”. It also accused the government of propagating “falsehood” to claim that the laws would help...
More »Explained: What determines onion prices -Parthasarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express In back-to-back moves aimed at controlling onion prices, the government has relaxed import norms and now reintroduced stock limits. Why have prices been rising, and how far can these moves check the rise? With less than a week to go for the Bihar elections, the Centre on Friday reintroduced the stock limit on onions — a move aimed at controlling rising prices, which crossed Rs 80 per kg in...
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